Theme: "Stimulating Excellence in Cardiology and Healthcare Research"


Renowned Speakers


The Organizing Committee of Cardiology Care 2024 is pleased to invite all participants from all over the world to attend the “34th International Conference on Cardiology and Healthcare” which will be held during March 28-29, 2024 in Dubai, UAE. It will be encompassing with the theme “Stimulating Excellence in Cardiology and Healthcare Research”. The main objective of Cardiology Care 2024 is to provide a global platform for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, health care professionals, Professors, Medical directors.

Abstract Submission - Submit Here

Present your findings to a global audience by submitting your abstract right away! Your abstract must be between 250 and 300 words, please.

Early Bird RegistrationRegister Here

Interested speakers and delegates, Register for the Conference and reserve your spot at Cardiology Care 2024. Contact us at for information about group registrations and packages.

Why to attend?

Leading scientists, researchers, professionals, and exhibitors from around the world will join in Dubai, UAE, on March 28-29, 2024, for the 34th International Conference on Cardiology and Healthcare. Where the organizing committee is planning an interesting and instructive cardiology conference programme that will include plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations, and other activities.

Target Audience:

  • Doctors
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Vascular surgeons
  • Endocrinologists
  • Cardiologists
  • Cardiac Surgeons
  • University Professors
  • Various Societies and their members
  • Institutes-Medical Schools Students
  • Research Scholars
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Training Institutes
  • Software making associations
  • Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies
  • Scientists and Researchers organizers
  • Medical Colleges
  • Hospitals and Health Services

Track 1: Heart Regeneration

Heart regeneration is a process that employs cutting-edge research, cell-free and stem cell therapy to rebuild damaged heart cells. In mice, it was discovered that the adult heart contains a resident population of stem cells. This stem cell population was demonstrated to be reprogrammed to develop into cardiomyocytes, which replaced those lost during cardiac tissue death. One of the most prevalent methods of cardiac regeneration is cell-free cell therapy.

Track 2: Coronary Artery Diseases

This illness is primarily caused by the coronary arteries, which are blood vessels that provide blood to the heart. It is usually caused by atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries. Plaques are fatty deposits or cholesterol that obstruct blood flow to the heart muscle and can cause artery damage. A heart attack or chest pain may occur if the heart does not receive enough blood.

  • Spontaneous coronary artery dissection
  • Obstructive coronary artery disease
  • Non-obstructive coronary artery disease

Track 3: Cardiovascular Diseases

The term "cardiovascular diseases" refers to disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels. CVD is the most common cause of death in the world today. The risk of blood clots may increase due to the accumulation of fatty deposits, which are commonly present inside the arteries. It can also affect organs that have arteries, such as the heart, kidneys, eyes, and brain. In any event, there are several risk reduction tactics and treatments to choose from. The signs, symptoms, and methods of prevention of these illnesses commonly overlap. CVD comes in several forms.

Track 4: Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology

The sector's continual technological advancement has enabled a new integrated, dependable, and effective method to delivering high-quality healthcare. Artificial intelligence is critical in the realm of medicine. Cardiology is a vast field that focuses on various heart-related diseases and how the heart operates. This is because AI or machine learning would allow for more accurate measurements of patient functioning and diagnoses from the start of the therapy procedure to its conclusion. In some cases, the use of artificial intelligence in cardiology aims to focus on research and development, clinical application, and public health.

  • Unemployment
  • No Emotions
  • Lacking Out of Box Thinking
  • High Costs of Creation
  • Making Humans Lazy

Track 5: Diabetics, Obesity and Stroke

Diabetes is a severe disease that develops when your blood sugar levels rise over normal. Diabetes can cause damage to your blood vessels and nerves. Diabetes patients may be at a higher risk of having heart disease at a younger age. The longer you have diabetes, the more likely you are to have heart disease. Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive body fat. It is a medical condition that increases the chance of a variety of illnesses and ailments, such as high blood pressure, some cancers, and heart disease. A stroke is a cardiac problem that occurs when there is insufficient blood flow to a part of the brain.

  • Overweight
  • Muscular development
  • Abnormal accumulation

Track 6: Silent Ischemia and Ischemic Heart Disease

Ischemia refers to a loss of blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle, which occurs when an artery is momentarily occluded. If the ischemia is severe, a heart attack may occur. The majority of the time, angina pectoris pain is caused by an artery becoming narrowed over time. However, in certain cases, there is no discomfort; these are known as silent ischemias. It has the potential to disrupt heart rhythm. Abnormal heart rhythms, such as ventricular tachycardia, can impair the heart's ability to pump blood, leading to sudden cardiac death or fainting.

Track 7: Congenital Heart Defect

Congenital heart disease is a congenital defect that affects the heart. Cardiac irregularities are often caused by abnormal development in the circulatory system and the coronary heart that begins sooner than usual. Many factors, including contamination and the mother taking positive drugs at some point during the pregnancy, might lead to aberrant growth.

Track 8: Pediatric Cardiology

Congenital heart diseases are the most common type of heart disease in children. Congenital cardiac disorders (existing at birth), irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), and circulatory system problems can all affect children. Pediatric cardiologists are critical in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac problems in children. When a child may require heart surgery, pediatric cardiologists work closely with pediatric cardiac surgeons to determine the best course of action. A variety of heart problems can affect children.

Track 9: Heart Disease and Failure

The words "heart disease" and "cardiovascular illnesses" are sometimes used interchangeably because heart disease is a condition that affects the heart. This condition encompasses angina, stroke, blocked blood arteries, and other illnesses characterized by chest pain. Among the ailments classified as heart-related were blood vascular diseases. It is a disorder that causes constriction of the arteries that provide blood and oxygen to the heart, and it is also known as congestive heart failure. It could occur on either side of your heart. Furthermore, both chambers of your heart may cease beating at the same time.

Track 10: Digital Cardiology

Cardiology is mostly associated with technological and digital advancements. Digital health is quickly becoming a part of cardiology clinical practice. It is defined as a broad catch-all word that encompasses both health and emerging sectors such as the use of cutting-edge computing sciences in big data and genomics. Wearable technology, chatbots, artificial intelligence, genomics, and personalized medicine are examples of tools used by digital health platforms, as are technologies that leverage digital, mobile, and cloud-based platforms, telemedicine, and telecare communications.

Track 11: Molecular and Nuclear Cardiology

Molecular cardiology is a fast growing discipline that focuses on employing molecular biology techniques for therapy, prevention, and diagnostics. Only a handful of the various technologies employed in molecular cardiology include transgenic models, gene therapy, parabiosis and genomics, stem cell biology, and molecular biology. The most common nuclear cardiology procedure, myocardial perfusion imaging, is used to assess blood flow in the heart muscles. Nuclear cardiology is the study of noninvasive methods for measuring myocardial blood flow and assessing the heart's pumping function. The rest scan and the stress scan are the two components of this method.

Track 12: Robotic Heart Surgery

Robotic heart surgery refers to heart operations that can be performed robotically. The process entails making very small cuts in the chest area. With the help of tiny equipment and robot-controlled tools, surgeons can do cardiac surgery that is less invasive than open heart surgery. The fundamental advantage of robotic surgery is that it is less invasive than open-heart surgery. Robotic surgery provides a wide range of heart-related procedures, including heart defect repair, cardiac tissue ablation, cancer removal, and valve replacement.

Track 13: Cardiac Nursing

Cardiac nursing is a type of nursing that deals with patients who have a variety of cardiovascular problems. Cardiac nurses assist in the treatment of conditions such as congestive heart failure, unstable angina, cardiomyopathy, and coronary artery disease. They provide postoperative care and health assessments on the surgical unit. Cardiac nurses must be certified in both basic and advanced cardiac life support. They must have specialized training in areas such as defibrillation, ECG monitoring, and medicine administration via continuous intravenous drip. They work in a variety of settings.

Track 14: Covid-19 effects of Heart Patients

The most typical effect of Covid-19 on our lungs, but it can also cause major heart problems. According to a new study, Covid-19 is one of the causes of cardiac damage, even in persons who do not have heart problems. There is a link between Covid-19 and cardiovascular disease. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of patients die from cardiovascular illness. During Covid-19, they developed major cardiac difficulties, lung infections, and renal ailments. In Covid-19 patients who develop pneumonia, fever and infections make the heart rate to accelerate, increasing the effort of the heart. Blood pressure may drop, putting more strain on the heart, and the consequent increase in oxygen demand may cause cardiac damage, especially if the heart arteries or muscles were already poor. Heart damage is the main cause of heart attacks, the results of the formation of blood clots in valves, blocking of oxygen delivery to the heart muscle.

Track 15: Women’s Cardiology

Women's heart disease is on the rise, and there are various myths regarding heart disease that could put them at risk. The most common heart diseases in women are coronary small tube disease and coronary small tube disease.

  • Acute coronary syndromes in women
  • Persistence of weight gain after pregnancy
  • Pregnancy-related disorders and CVD risk association
  • Ischemic heart disease in women

Track 16: Functioning of Heart Rhythm and Arrhythmias

Our hearts beat too quickly, too slowly, or irregularly because our Heart Beats do not function properly. Cardiac arrhythmias are innocuous and feel like a fluttering or speeding heart. The natural pacemaker located in the right atrium generally controls our cardiac rhythm. Each heartbeat is generally initiated by electrical impulses produced by the sinusitis nodes. Supraventricular tachycardia, Sinus tachycardia, and Ventricular tachycardia are all examples of fast heart rhythms. Tachycardia is defined as a heart rate that exceeds 90 beats per minute.

Track 17: Cardio Oncology

Cardio oncology is the study of the molecular and clinical changes that occur in the circulatory system as a result of cancer treatment options such as chemotherapy and targeted therapy. Treatment may be delivered directly into the tumour itself to reduce the influence on the rest of the body. Cardiologists predict that cancer patients who undergo more radiation therapy or other types of cancer drugs will likely develop cardiac problems.

Track 18: Cardiovascular Surgeries

Cardiovascular surgery is a type of surgery performed by cardiac surgeons that includes the heart and blood vessels. It is mostly used to treat ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, and congenital heart disease caused by a range of factors such as rheumatic heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart transplantation, and endocarditis. Cardiovascular surgeons perform a wide range of treatments, including operations on your blood arteries and heart to treat cardiovascular problems. Ventricular assist devices (VADs), mechanical devices that "support" the failing heart by assisting it in pumping blood throughout the body, may also be implanted during heart surgery.

Track 19: Interventional Cardiology

The field of interventional cardiology focuses on the treatment of structural heart disorders. It is a non-surgical method that uses a catheter to repair arteries, veins, and other damaged heart structural components. Several heart treatments can be performed with a catheter.

Track 20: Treatment of Hole in the Heart

In medical terms, a hole in the heart is known as congenital heart disease. In terms of ventricular spatial defect, a wall between the heart's primary pumping chambers is abnormally opened. A hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of the heart is referred to as an atrial septal defect. The following are symptoms of this condition:

  • Shortness of breath while exercising
  • Swollen legs, feet
  • Stroke

Cardiology care 2024 is the best platform for all recognized/ under- recognized scholastics in the field of Cardiology, Health specialists, analysts, educational scientists, industry researchers, scientists to exchange about research and developments in grounds of cardiology. The main focus of this meeting is to invigorate and globalize new thoughts and researches for treatment and to determine the current market for proceeding towards future of cardiovascular medicines, operational devices, and diagnostics, with an accentuation on new technology that will be advantageous in the field of Cardiology. The significance of coronary heart disease (CHD) hazard elements may vary amongst people and Communities and by sex and age. Shockingly CHD is still found to be the main cause of death, which implies that there, must be no eased up in our endeavors to wipe out this disease. Countries from the Middle East bear a heavy burden from Cardiovascular and coronary heart disease which has become the leading cause of death in the UAE, accounting for over two-thirds of all deaths, including most racial and ethnic gatherings in Dubai, UAE, and also in the United States, including African Americans.

Regional Market Analysis:

Cardiovascular medicines are specialized in the treatment of diseases related to circulatory diseases, blood clumps, stroke, coronary artery infection, arrhythmias, high cholesterol, and heart failure. Due to increasing aging population and higher rate of unhealthy life style, the market demand for cardiovascular medicines have been estimated to increase to 2.4% till 2026.

One of the huge markets for these cardiovascular medicines is North America, followed by Europe, Asia-pacific and rest of the world. United states have always been a major market for many medicines developed so far. More than 80% of the cardiovascular medicine market has been captured by the North America and European countries. Based on the types of medicines used for these cardiovascular diseases, drug markets have been categorized like anti-hypertensive, anti-coagulants, antiarrhythmic etc. Anti-hypertensive drugs are taking on the markets as compared to the other cardiovascular medicines due to its use in both cardiac and hypertensive disorders.

Related Associations and Societies:


European Society of CardiologyBritish Cardiovascular SocietyWorld Heart FederationBritish Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation;  World Heart Failure SocietyAustrian Heart FoundationAustrian Society of CardiologyPhilippine Heart AssociationBelgian Society of CardiologySpanish Society of CardiologyBritish Cardiac SocietyInternational Academy of CardiologyBritish Heart Foundation


The American Society for Preventive CardiologyAmerican Society of Nuclear CardiologyAmerican Heart AssociationAmerican Stroke AssociationSociety for Cardiovascular Angiography and InterventionsArizona Society of EchocardiographyBrazilian Society of CardiologyHeart Failure Society of AmericaCanadian Association of  Cardiovascular Prevention and  RehabilitationElsevier Society Partners in CardiologyAmerican Society for Preventive Cardiology.

Asia Pacific:

Asian Pacific Society of CardiologyCardiac Society of Australia & New ZealandThe Japanese Heart Failure Society; Japanese Society of EchocardiographyThe World Society of Cardiovascular & Thoracic SurgeonsAsian Pacific Society of HypertensionAssociation of Cardiologists of KazakhstanAustralian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation AssociationAssociation of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of AsiaChinese Society of CardiologyThe Pan-African Society of Cardiology


Algerian Society of HypertensionRussian Society of CardiologyArmenian Cardiologists AssociationSaudi Heart Association.

The “33rd International Conference on Cardiology and Healthcare” webinar organized by Conference Series during May 08, 2023 and was based on the Theme: “Sharing the Vision in Cardiology and Healthcare Research”.

On behalf of our Organizing Committee, we would like to extend our appreciation for continued support and active participation of the Organizing Committee Member, Keynote Speakers and our Moderators for the successful completion of the Cardiology Care 2023.

The Researchers and Scientists, Professors, cardiologists and Students, Doctors from different countries actively participated in the webinar, discussed the most important trends and issues in Cardiology and Healthcare. Every Participant was having great reviews and had amazing experiences from the event.

Cardiology Care 2023 was started by the opening ceremony which was followed by the Keynote speech and we are overwhelmed with their presence and generous response.

We would like to take the privilege to felicitate our keynote Speakers and honourable guests for their prominent contribution towards the smooth functioning of this esteemed event.

The eminent personalities in the webinar were:

  • Hossein Tabriziani | Balboa Institute of Transplantation | USA
  • Brajesh Mittal | Garhoud Private Hospital | UAE
  • Samah Salah Alasrawi | AlJalila Children`s Hospital | UAE
  • Elena Leonova | Federal Central Tuberculosis Research Institute | Russia
  • Dhavendra Kumar | Cardiff University School of Medicine | UK

In the last, we would also like to extend my ward regards to various delegate experts, Company representatives, eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating active discussion forums. We would like to convey our sincere gratitude to all the supporters from Editorial Board Members of our Open Access Journals, Keynote Speakers, Honourable guests, Valuable Speakers, Students, delegates and special thank s to Media Partners  for their promotions to make this event a successful one.

With the unique feedbacks from the Cardiology Care 2023, we would like to announce the commencement of the “34th International Conference on Cardiology and Healthcare” which is going to be held during March 28-29, 2024 Dubai, UAE.

Let us meet again @ Cardiology Care 2024

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 10-11, 2024
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Speaker Opportunity Closed
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